Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP)
This program offers free physical examinations for children at specific age intervals from birth to 21 years. These wellness exams include preventive heal care as well as early detection of disease and disabilities. These are free to eligible children of low-to-moderate income families and to children having Medi-Cal. The exam may include referral to dental, vision, and other resources as needed. Families can receive case management assistance for the referral process, and financial assistance for further medical care if eligible.
CHDP Gateway is an enrollment process through CHDP provider offices to enroll low to moderate children in the appropriate insurance coverage for CHDP services, starting July 1, 2003.
For further information, please contact the Mono County Health Department in Mammoth Lakes at (760) 924-1830 or in Bridgeport (760) 932-5580.