Cultural Humility
Mono County Behavioral Health (MCBH) endeavors to deliver culturally, ethnically, and linguistically appropriate services to behavioral health clients and their families in a competent manner that is responsive to diverse cultural beliefs, practices, preferred languages, and reflects the health beliefs and practices of the communities we serve. This vision is reflected in our world view, informing materials, and client treatment plans. Integration of these values creates a forum for ensuring that we continually enhance our services to be culturally and linguistically relevant for our youth and adult clients and their families. Staff members continually discuss opportunities to promote and improve the delivery of culturally-sensitive and relevant services.
MCBH’s vision and mission include providing understandable, equitable, effective and respectful services while recognizing the importance of developing services that exhibit cultural humility and are sensitive to customs, cultures, ethnic groups, persons with disabilities, consumers in recovery (from mental health or substance use), lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and two-spirit (LGBTQI2-S) individuals, various age groups (Transition Age Youth - TAY: Older Adults), faith-based, physically disabled, and persons involved in the correctional system.
Fostering and developing a culturally and linguistically competent system requires ongoing training and education in which we continually learn from each other and entails the dedication, commitment and perseverance from leadership, staff, and the community.
The following Cultural and Linguistic Competence Plan (CLCP) signifies our continuing commitment to improving access to services, quality care, and improving outcomes. The CLCP addresses the requirements from the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) for both Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug services, including the Cultural and Linguistic Standards (CLAS).
Moving Towards Equity: Understanding the Impact of Racism in Communities: A presentation by Dr. Jei Africa on the impacts of racism on communities, and a discussion of how Mono County can address these impacts. [2]
¿Habla español? Haga clic aquí. [3]