For the Road Vacation Request Application, Procedures for Vacation, and answers to Frequently Asked Questions, see the Supporting Documents Section below. Please read these documents fully before submittal. The procedure for processing requests to vacate streets, highways, or public service easements, or to vacate unaccepted offers of dedication can be complicated. When complete, you may mail or drop-off the form, petition and fee at the either of the Permit Counters located at the Mammoth or Bridgeport Administrative Offices of the county. Incomplete forms and submittals may result in a delay in processing. Please make your check(s) payable to "Mono County".
The Mono County Road Vacation Request fee is currently $1,500.00 as of July 1, 2023. This fee may be partially refunded if staff initially deny the vacation request. Depending upon project scope, additional reports, plans or surveys may be required to complete the application and additional fees may be required.
Apportionment of Vacated Road
CA Civ Code § 831 states that an owner of land bounded by a road or street is presumed to own to the center of the way, but the contrary may be shown. Upon formal approval of the road vacation by the Board of Supervisors, new tax maps will be drawn depicting the new parcel dimensions pursuant to CA Civ Code 831. Boundaries of apportioned vacated roads shall be drawn as a lines perpendicular to the center line of the vacated road to the adjacent property except where a record of survey, boundary agreement, subdivision map, or other official document showing otherwise has been recorded with Mono County.