CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) is an employment-based program that requires employable adults to participate in work-related activities to receive aid. CalWORKs provides temporary cash assistance to meet basic family needs. It also provides education, employment, and training programs to assist the family’s move toward self sufficiency.
A family can ask for immediate assistance if they have little or no cash and there is a need for emergency housing, food, utilities, clothing or medical care. Please bring proof of income, property, citizenship status, age, social security number, residence, shelter costs, work or school status, as well as any other information pertinent to determining eligibility.
Diversion payments and services are available, for CalWORKs eligible families who would prefer a one-time payment to accept or keep a job.
The CalWORKs program has special rules to address the needs of victims of domestic abuse. All adults applying for or receiving CalWORKs assistance for themselves or their children shall be provided information about the availability of counseling and safety planning services provided through community resources for domestic abuse.
Although grant levels are based on family size, the same eligibility criteria apply to all families. Specific eligibility requirements take into account an applicant's citizenship, age, income, resources, assets and other factors. In general, services are available to:
- Parents or caretaker relatives that have a child(ren) in the home who has been deprived of parental support or care because of the absence, disability or death of a parent.
- Families with a child(ren) when both parents are in the home, but the primary wage earner is unemployed.
Adults under the CalWORKs program are limited to receiving cash benefits for a lifetime cumulative period of 60 months. After 60 months of assistance, the adult will be ineligible for cash assistance and a family's grant will be reduced by the adult's portion of the grant. Mono County provides continuing aid for children after a parent has exhausted their 60-month limit.
There are several options available. You can request an application be mailed to you, pick one up at any of our county offices [2]or simply apply online [3].
Online Application: [4]
Cash Assistance for Refugees and Non-Citizens
Mono County Health and Human Service provides services to eligible:
- Refugees
- Asylees
- Cuban/Haitian entrant
- Certain humanitarian parolees
- Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders
- Amerasians
- Noncitizen victims of human trafficking, domestic violence and other serious crimes populations.
Members of the groups listed above are usually evaluated for eligibility to California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs), CalFresh (food assistance) and Medi-Cal. Those who do not qualify for CalWORKs may also be evaluated for eligibility in one of the following programs.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) is available for the first 12 months that a refugee (admitted for permanent residence) is in the U.S.
In California, the refugee must first have eligibility for CalWORKs determined. If it is determined that the refugee is eligible for CalWORKs, aid must be paid under that program rather than from RCA funds.
The 12 months of RCA benefits for refugees are generally based upon the date of entry into the U.S. Asylees are eligible for up to 12 months from the date their asylum is granted. Trafficking and victims of severe crimes, including non-citizen victims of domestic violence, can also qualify to receive RCA benefits after receiving certification. Again, eligibility for CalWORKs must first be determined and aid will be paid under that program if eligibility exists.
Trafficking and Crime Victims Assistance Program (TCVAP)
The Trafficking and Crime Victims Assistance Program (TCVAP) provides eligible non-citizen victims of human trafficking, domestic violence and other serious crimes, services such as cash assistance, food benefits, employment and social services. Benefits and services are modeled after the Refugee Resettlement Program which follows the same grant amounts, structure and time frames as RCA and CalWORKs.
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI)
CAPI provides cash assistance to certain aged, blind and disabled legal non-citizens ineligible for SSI/SSP due to their immigration status. CAPI participants may be eligible for Medi-Cal, In-Home Supportive Services and CalFresh.
Eligibility is determined if the individual meets all the following conditions:
- Non-citizen who meets the immigration status criteria in effect for SSI/SSP
- Aged 65 or older, blind or disabled.
- Ineligible for SSI/SSP solely due to immigration status—this means the individual must apply for SSI/SSP or submit other proof of ineligibility from the Social Security Administration.
- Resides in California
- Has income less than the CAPI standards.
- Has resources below the allowable limits.
There are several options available. You can request an application be mailed to you, pick one up at any of our county offices or simply apply online [5].
Online Application: [5]