Important Notice
Under California law, members of the Mono County Clerk - Recorder’s Office staff are prohibited from providing legal advice. This prohibition includes offering any guidance as to what processes must be undertaken, how to complete the forms, or determining what forms are required in order to make any change in the title to real property.
The County Recorder, upon payment of proper fees and taxes, will accept any document which is authorized or required by California law to be recorded. The document must contain the required information, and be photographically reproducible.
The Recorder's Office does not have forms and cannot provide advice on how a document should be completed.
The Sacramento Law Library is a free resource for many forms [1]
Certain requirements apply to almost any document(s) you want to record. Please make sure to take these requirements into consideration as you prepare your document(s) for recording in order to facilitate timely recording of your document(s) and to avoid unnecessary penalties at recording time. See Recording Requirements for more information [2].
We accept the following payment methods:
- Cash - (in person only and must be exact)
- Check
- Money Order
- Credit Cards - (in person)
Please make payments payable to Mono County Recorder.
Not-to-Exceed Checks are accepted when sending a request for information and/or documents for recording when you're unsure of the total cost to be charged.
Original recorded documents will be returned to the address indicated on the document (top left corner).
How to Record Documents
Once your document is prepared, we accept recordings in the following ways:
Call us at (760)932-5530 or email us at [3] to schedule an appointment. We highly suggest scheduling appointment to ensure shorter wait times.
Bring prepared documents and payment to our office during recording hours 9:00am - 3:00pm.
We are located at:
Bridgeport, CA 93517
By Mail
Mail documents and payment to us at:
Mono County Recorder
P.O. Box 237
Bridgeport, CA 93517
By Parcel Service (UPS, FedEc, etc)
Ship documents and payment to us at:
Mono County Recorder
74 School Street, Annex 1
Bridgeport, CA 93517
When submitting your document for recording please include:
- Original signed document-a photocopy is not acceptable for recording
- Payment for recording
- Include a separate page with your contact information: name, phone number, and email address
Conformed Copies
In addition to the above items, for a free conformed copy upon recording, please include a photocopy of the document and self-addressed-stamped-envelope.
Search Recorded and Filed Documents and Maps
The Mono County Recorder's Office has maintained copies of all recorded land transactions from 1861 to present. Recorded and filed documents and maps are public records, and they are available for public viewing in our offices at no cost, but California law prohibits the display of recorded documents on the internet.
It is preferable for the individual to conduct all research. All Public Records are available for viewing at no cost; we highly suggest scheduling an appointment to ensure uninterrupted time and space for your research. Email us at [5] to schedule an appointment.
The County Clerk - Recorder can assist with simple document searches and limited research. Research is performed on a first come first serve basis and when availability allows. For all requests please email the Official Record Copy Request form [6] to our office at [7] with any information pertinent to the search.
Research Fee: $125.00/hour - Payment for first hour due prior to research beginning.
Our office does not conduct title searches. If you require a title search, please contact a title company for title search services.