Mono County 2025 Capital Improvement Plan
The Mono County 2025 Capital Improvement Plan has been developed to provide direction for Mono County Staff, such that their work is guided by the Board of Supervisors and their constituents, in conformance with the General Plan.
The 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Mono County is the community’s plan for short and mid-range development, maintenance, improvement and acquisition of infrastructure assets to benefit the County’s residents, businesses, property owners and visitors. The CIP provides a linkage between the County’s General Plan, various master planning documents and the annual budget to more effectively plan, prioritize, schedule and implement capital and projects over the next 5-year period.
The Capital Improvement Plan is vital to our County. It is a plan for physical improvements to public facilities and infrastructure, throughout Mono County. The underlying motive behind these programs is to improve safety, mobility, and lifestyles of residents and visitors. Such projects will have a positive effect on the local economy and include short-range and long-range capital acquisition and development plans and projects. Projects included in the CIP are major non-recurring projects, have a long service life, and will be underway (or are planned, but are unfunded) during the 5-year cycle beginning with this fiscal year. CIP expenditures are considered beyond the scope of normal annual operating or maintenance expenses.
The CIP is proposed to be reviewed annually and revised as necessary based on current circumstances and opportunities in consideration of historic requirements and expenditures for capital projects. While the 5-Year Plan does not appropriate funds, it serves as a planning and budget tool to identify needed capital projects, estimate capital requirements, and coordinate financing and timing. It identifies projects for annual funding, focuses resources in program areas, and supports planning recommendations. It also identifies project impacts on future operating budgets, including additional staffing, maintenance, and other recurring operational expenditures that require ongoing funding and must be considered in the planning and approval of projects.
The plan is dynamic in nature and changes year to year as priorities, needs and funding change. The CIP is a guide for the consideration, selection and development of; roads, sewers, water systems, bike lanes, sidewalks, MUP’s, parking, parks, airports, offices and other types of facilities necessary to provide communities with services. The projects include significant maintenance and replacement of existing infrastructure and facilities and construction of new facilities and infrastructure.
Ultimately, the CIP is focused on achieving the following goals:
- Develop a consistent annual process to coordinate the planning and development of infrastructure and facilities
- Enhance coordination and communication among County Departments and other entities involved in the development of capital projects.
- Increase the alignment between infrastructure and facilities projects and adopted land use plans and policies.
- Provide an opportunity for the Board of Supervisors to align the CIP with Strategic Priorities
- Increase opportunities to identify and align funding sources necessary for the development of improvements
- Increase awareness of planned capital projects to the public and community partners
The Draft Mono County 2025 CIP can be accessed here. Comments can be submitted to