Marriage Records

California Health and Safety Code Section 103526 permits only authorized persons to receive certified authorized copies of public marriage records. All others may only request a certified informational copy. Informational copies will be marked "Informational, Not a Valid Document to Establish Identity." 

If the person requesting a certified copy of a confidential marriage record is not an authorized person or is an authorized person who is otherwise unable to satisfy the requirements of subdivision (a), the official shall not release a certified copy of the confidential marriage record unless otherwise authorized by law.


The County Clerk has records of public marriages where the license was issued in Mono County, from 1862 to present.

We are not able to issue marriage certificates for marriages where the license was issued someplace other than Mono County.

Fee: $18.00 per copy.

We do not perform searches over the phone or via email.

We do not fax or email Marriage Certificates.

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Cash - (in person only and must be exact)
  • Check
  • Money Order
  • Credit Cards - (in person)

Please make payments payable to Mono County Clerk.

The fees for copies listed above are nonrefundable. Health and Safety Code Section 103650 requires that the fee for any search of marriage, birth, or death records, is the same as the record itself. If a record is not found, a Certificate of No Public Record will be issued.

Order a Marriage Certificate by Mail

Complete application for copy of Marriage Record, have sworn statement notarized and mail with payment.

Application for Certified Copy of Marriage Record

Mail to:

Mono County Clerk

P.O. Box 237

Bridgeport, CA 93517

The sworn statement must be notarized and included with your application for the application to be valid. If the notarized statement sworn under the penalty of perjury is not included with your application, it will be rejected for being incomplete and will be returned to you without being processed.

Order a Marriage Certificate in Person

Complete application online and bring the completed unsigned application with you in person during office hours. We highly recommend scheduling an appointment to ensure shorter wait times. Be prepared to show government issued photo ID.

Application for Certified Copy of Marriage Record

Call us at (760)932-5530 or email us at to schedule an appointment.

We are located at: 

74 N. School Street

Bridgeport, CA 93517

Order a Marriage Certificate Online

Order online through

For convenience, Mono County has partnered with an independent company, VitalChek Network, Inc. through which an order may by processed.

All major credit cards are accepted.

Additional fees are charged by VitalChek for using this service.