Emergency Shelters & Disaster Services
A record-breaking wildfire season is expected this year. You can help the people in your community by serving as a Red Cross volunteer shelter worker when a disaster strikes. Train now to be a Red Cross Shelter Volunteer so you can answer the call and help those affected by disaster. Click here to find out more!
Preparing for Emergencies
What you can do to help yourself: Know what threats are prevalent to your area. In Mono County, we face danger from wildfires, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, heavy snow, and other weather related conditions.
Emergency Disaster Shelters
All of the emergency shelters in Mono County operate under a system developed by the American Red Cross. Shelters provide emergency, short-term shelter to the public in the event of a local disaster.
If you would like to volunteer to help at your local Emergency Shelter, please contact the Department of Social Services at 760-924-1770
Primary Shelter Locations
Mammoth Middle School 1600 Meridian Blvd Mammoth Lakes, CA |
Crowley Lake Community Center 58 Pearson Road Crowley Lake, CA |
Bridgeport Memorial Hall 73 N School St Bridgeport, CA |
Walker Community Center 442 Mule Deer Walker, |
Benton Community Center 58869 Highway 120 Benton, CA |
Chalfant Community Center 123 Valley Road Chalfant, CA |
June Lake Community Center 90 W Granite June Lake, CA |
Lee Vining Community Center 296 Mattley Ave Lee Vining, CA |
Disaster Services - (Disaster Action Team DAT)
Disaster Services - (Disaster Action Team DAT)
Who is a DAT?
American Red Cross chapters have Disaster Action Teams (commonly called "DATs") that provide disaster relief services on an on-call basis. DATs respond to local household emergencies and disasters such as fires and floods.
The teams are made up of American Red Cross Disaster Services volunteers who have received training in client casework and disaster assessment. DAT members are a vital link between public safety officials and their local Red Cross chapter.
What DAT does
After an initial call from firefighters, law enforcement, disaster victims, family members or friends, Red Cross DAT members respond to disasters.
Workers assess the level of assistance needed and may be able to provide immediate disaster relief to those displaced by local emergencies or disasters.
Immediate relief means getting them what they need most without waiting a day or more - food, shelter, clothing, medication replacement, medical equipment, toiletries, clean-up supplies and mental health counseling. In the days following a disaster, the Red Cross continues to work with families as they find ways to rebuild their lives.
All disaster relief is provided through the generosity of the American public.
If you or someone you know has recently experienced a natural or man-made disaster in Mono County and needs assistance, please call the Red Cross DAT Coordinator at 760-924-1770.
[Mono County Access & Functional Needs (AFN) Registry]
This registry website allows residents with access and functional needs an opportunity to provide information to emergency response agencies so those agencies can better serve them in a disaster or other emergencies.
Mono County utilizes what is known as the ReadyMono Emergency Alert System when a critical incident or emergency situation takes place within the county. We use this system to notify the entire county or specific areas within the county of important information.