Welfare Fraud
If You See It, Report It!
It’s Up To You To Report Fraud, Waste or Abuse…
Mono County takes reports of fraud seriously and investigates all reports thoroughly.
What is Welfare Fraud?
Any person who willfully and knowingly, with the intent to deceive, or who makes a false statement or representation or presents a fraudulent device, or knowingly fails to disclose a material fact in order to obtain, sustain, or increase, the amount of aid that he or she receives, or for a child not in fact entitled thereto, can be charged with a crime.
How to Report Welfare Fraud
If you think someone is committing fraud against one of Mono County's programs it is important that you let us know about it.
To report CalWORKs, CalFRESH, General Assistance, Child Care, and Welfare to Work fraud:
- Call (760) 924-1770
- Call (800) 344-8477
To report Medi-Cal and Elder Abuse fraud:
- Call 1-800-722-0432 or 1-800-822-6222
To report In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) fraud:
- Call 1-888-717-8302