2017 Housing Choice Voucher Wait List opening for Mono County
September 6, 2017
Dear Mono County Community Member:
The Housing Authority of the County of Stanislaus (HACS) announces its 2017 Housing Choice Voucher Wait List opening for the Counties of Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, lnyo, Mariposa, Mono, and Tuolumne.
Formerly known as the Section 8 Program, the Housing Choice Voucher program enables low-income households to obtain housing in the private market with rental subsidy received through the HCV Program. Typically, a household pays approximately 30%-40% of their monthly income towards their rent and the Housing Authority pays the difference to the landlord/property owner.
Below you'll find a flyer announcing the wait list opening and details on how to apply for the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
If you have any specific questions please contact us at info@stancoha.oro.
Michele Gonzales
Director, Regional Housing Choice Voucher Programs